DSC 6592


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  • Mitchell on 2016-Dec-25 15:18:38 Mitchell said

    SGP Senin, 24/12/2012======== Jumlah ; 146789======== Kop : 791-246======== AK 012389======== AI : 1234======== AI : 2341234 vs 0579 – BB = 32 LN228212;—̵#;—̵&;– Top ; 02 . 47 OFF JUMLAHAEE01. 2356= 602. 0221= 403. 9348= 204. 2967= 605. 6374= 206. 9376= 307. 3481= 408. 9475= 609. 8710= 810. 6651= 111. 7561= 112. 0272= 913. 3066= 614. 1914= 115. 7924= 216. 4350= 517. 6811= 818. 4695= 319. 9520= 220. 7897= 221. 0512= 9 22. 3770= 9========= mg masih LanjutLEBIH SEMPURNA JIKA SOBAT MELENGKAPI PREDIKSI KAMI DI : KLICK NICK NAME atau AVATARTKS, ROOMNYA KAWAN – SEMOGA SUKSES

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